
Placement fees are discussed at initial contact. When choosing to use our payroll services (including temp-to-hire and temporary staffing), billing is on a biweekly basis and payment is net 30 days. The employee will be placed on our payroll, and will receive their paycheck directly from our office. We match social security, Medicare, pay federal unemployment taxes, and provide worker’s compensation insurance. If a temporary employee qualifies for unemployment benefits, at a future date, the chargeback is credited to Goodwin Personnel. Goodwin Personnel is responsible for all payroll taxes and end of year W-2 forms. Employees are paid only for hours worked; however, holiday pay is available when authorized. Employees are paid time and a half for all hours over 40 in one week. Time cards are provided by Goodwin Personnel and must be verified by a representative of the company. After the temporary employee has worked a total of 520 hours for a full time employee and 300 hours for a part time employee, they can convert to your payroll with no additional fee.
2306 N. Navarro
Victoria, TX 77901
Office Hours:
Mon - Thurs: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: by appointment
Email. info@goodwinpersonnel.com